Introducing the social platform that provides musicians, songwriters and engineers the ability to meet, collaborate, and manage their world of music projects.
Preparing for launch in 2015, MixLuv will provide a platform for you to explore and contribute to a variety of music projects from around the globe.
Users will have the ability to seek out other musicians, songwriters and audio engineers based on a number of criteria, including geographic location, musical style, influences and involvement in the community.
Providing an audio track management system to better organize the ever expanding cloud of storage.
The system has been designed based on version control and change management techniques used by several modern and innovative software communities.
Your finished mix can be made publicly available for users to search, kept for your own use, or submitted to our very own record label.
If selected for publishing, MixLuv Records will work directly with you, the group and musicians involved to secure registration, publishing, licensing and according royalty allocations.